Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

I haven't blogged in quite some time. Grad school has taken over my life, as well as those kindergarteners.

2011 was quite a year. We have a new house and couldn't be more happy.

Adam and I are finally at the stage in our life where we are almost ready to increase our family size. :)

BUT FIRST We figured we need one last trip to our favorite vacation spot... MeXiCo!

We just LOVE the company, Real Resorts. (pronounced "Reee-allll")  We stayed at the Gran Porto Real in Playa Del Carmen for our honeymoon. Best.vacation.ever.

Today we booked our vacation to the Gran Caribe Real in Cancun. We're going during Spring Break for 5 days! I am almost counting down the minutes because I'm so excited! :)