Monday, August 26, 2013

Calvin is ONE MONTH old!

They say time flies when you have a baby. Whoever "they" are... weren't kidding! I can't believe Calvin is already a month old! Here are a few photos looking back on our first days home and at our visitors from last month.
 Straight home from the hospital.
 Clearly I am extra tired...
Snuggling with Calvin
 Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Chaney came to visit!

Grandpa and Grandma Hall came too!

 Relaxing on the porch.
 We forgot to take a picture with my friend Ashley, but she gave us this adorable puppy! He loves to watch the ceiling fan while relaxing on it. :)
First bath at home didn't go so well...

 We were thinking... this gets easier, right?
 More snuggling...

Calvin Louis Smith

How do Moms find the time to take care of their babies and blog? Phew! I am just finding the time to share my news with the blog world about baby Calvin and he's already five weeks old!

On Sunday, July 21 at 10:55 p.m. God gave us the most beautiful baby boy we could ever imagine. After 48 (yes 48) painful hours of labor, he was born and worth every second. Weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 20.5 inches long, he made his entrance into the world with a full head of hair.

Adam was the best labor coach in the world, with all of his encouragement and patience. He also got to watch a lot of golf and baseball while I enjoyed the epidural and sleep.

Trying out the new camera just a few days before labor began.

 Epidural gave me this smile. A popsicle gave me the stain on my gown.

 Calvin LOVES to have his hair washed!
 Proud Papa
 My Mom and Dad came to visit the next morning.
 Kangaroo Care :)
Time to go home!